And how do you pronounce it? Good questions! The easy one first – how do you pronounce Yntunzy? In-tune-zee. And that probably helps to explain the name.
It turns out that deciding on a name for a new company is one of the challenging tasks that comes up right away. Depending on the source of advice, the name needs to be different (legal/trademark), catchy (marketing), descriptive (selling), or not descriptive (legal/trademark again). I wanted something that related to music and fun. My first thought was something about “games” and “in tune” so In-tune Games seemed like a good idea. Then I decided I wanted to have an app along with the decks of cards which took me into the tech world – no more starting the name with an “i” to avoid confusion with you-know-who. That’s when I got creative and came up with Yntunzy. And the logo followed naturally. So, are you Yntunzy?
Watch for the Yntunzy app with this icon coming soon!